Accidents Are Possible When Driving In Bright Sun

Many enjoy going for a drive on a sunny day. Drivers enjoy the beautiful views whether they are driving for recreation or in their vehicles on the way to work or running errands. But when there is sun glaring into a driver’s eyes, accidents are possible. The car operator’s view can be compromised or they may not be able to see at all, for moments or an extended period.
The time of day when the sun is rising or setting is typically the most dangerous when it comes to sun glare because the glare makes it more difficult for drivers to see the road and any potential dangers. If you were in a Louisiana car accident because you or another driver were blinded by the sun, discuss your situation with a Shreveport injury lawyer.
Ways to Protect Yourself from Sun Glare Risks
It makes sense that driving safely requires clear sight lines. Staying in control of a vehicle at all times is essential, and there are things you can do to reduce sun glare, including the following:
- Buy and wear polarized sunglasses.
- Use sun visors, both the standard visors in your vehicle and any additional visors that are safely designed.
- Give other drivers room so there is time to react, if needed.
- Take any object that could bounce or reflect light off of your dashboard.
- Keep your windshield clean and check the glass for cracks.
- Adjust your schedule or change your route if you routinely encounter sun glare.
Of course it is not always possible to obtain and then maintain perfect visibility when driving a car, but there are things you can do to stay as safe as possible. With the correct adjustments, accident risks can be reduced. And if a situation seems dangerous and glare can’t be avoided, consider pulling over. If you wait a bit, the sun will move to another location and the glare risk may diminish.
The Sun and Liability
If a driver says the accident was due to the sun glare and not their fault, they are mistaken. Drivers blinded by sun glare can be held liable. After all, even when the sun creates a danger it is still the responsibility of the car operator to maintain a safe vehicle. Accidents due to sun glare can result in compensation, talk to a Shreveport injury lawyer about what level of damage recovery if possible. Compensation for medical fees, lost wages, and emotional distress have all been awarded when another driver was negligent.
Were you involved in a car collision because another driver was blinded by the morning sun? If you have expenses due to your car accident injuries, compensation may be possible. The personal injury lawyers at Rice & Kendig can negotiate for you. We truly care about our clients and devote our knowledge, skills and resources toward securing a great result every time. You do not need to navigate complicated negotiations on your own. Together, we can achieve success. Contact us today at 318-222-2772 to schedule your free consultation.